How To Do Research (Bill Freeman's notes)
Writing tips (Wojciech Jarosz)
SIGGRAPH 2024-Present: Technical program committee member for SIGGRAPH North America
EG 2025: Co-chair for Doctoral Consortium Program
EG 2024: International program committee member for Eurographics
CVM 2024: International program committee member for Computational visual media
EGSR 2022-Present: Technical program committee member for Eurographics symposium on rendering
EG 2023: Co-chairing Posters and the Diversity & Inclusion Program
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022: International program committee member for SIGGRAPH Asia.
EGSR 2021: Conference co-chair with Pascal Grittmann and Philipp Slusallek (Saarland University).
EG 2020-21: International program committee member for Eurographics Short papers.
PG 2019-21: International program committee member for Pacific Graphics.
Reviewer: SIGGRAPH, TOG, Eurographics (EG), EGSR, Pacific Graphics, JCST, HELIYON (Elsevier).
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